Shriekfest 2008

Best Horror Feature Film
directed by James Eaves
Best Thriller Feature Film
Alien Raiders
directed by Ben Rock
Best Short Film
directed by Ryan Spindell
Best Super Short Film
Eel Girl
directed by Paul Campion
Best Horror Feature Screenplay
The Great American Nightmare
written by Tom Manning
Best Sci-Fi Feature Screenplay
written by Diana Kemp-Jones
Best Fantasy Feature Screenplay
The Hercynian Orchid
written by Melisa Ford
Best Short Screenplay
Making the List
written by Jesse Kyle Reisman
The Pretty/Scary Award
Side Effect
directed by Liz Adams
Best Acting Performance
Rhoda Jordan
in “Rule of Three”
Audience Choice Award
The Open Door
directed by Doc Duhame
Best Under 18 Film
The Perfect Victim
directed by Eric Badger
Best Under 18 Screenplay
Big Kids Play Manslaughter
written by Kelsey Bollig

Shriekfest 2007

Best Feature Film
The Chair
Directed by Brett Sullivan
Best Super Short Film
No Sanctuary
Directed by Dan Lovallo
Best Short Film
Directed by Jack Swanstrom
Best Feature Screenplay
The Lost Girl
by Michael Mongillo
2nd Place Feature Screenplay
Horror World
by Rolfe Kanefsky
Best Short Screenplay
Safe Passage
by Michael Raymond
The Pretty/Scary Award
The Cellar Door
Directed by Matt Zettell
Best Cinematography
Death’s Requiem
Cinematography by Carl Robertson, Directed by Marc Furmie
Audience Choice Award
The Cellar Door
Directed by Matt Zettell
Best Acting Performance
James DuMont
in The Cellar Door
Best Special Effects in a Feature Film
Atom Nine Adventures
Directed by Christopher Farley
Best Special Effects in a Short Film
Postcards from the Future
Directed by Alan Chan
Best Key Art Award
Zombie Love
2nd Place Key Art Award
House of Fears
Best Under 18 Film
Vanilla County
Directed by Nick Diramio
Best Under 18 Screenplay
Empire of Wonders
written by David Siudzinski

Shriekfest 2006

Best Horror Feature Film
The Other Side
directed by Gregg Bishop
2nd Place Horror Feature Film
directed by Jason Todd Ipson
Best Super Short Film
Itsy Bitsy
directed by David May
2nd Place Super Short Film
The Boarder
directed by Susan Bell
Best Horror Short Film
Penny Dreadful
directed by Bryan Norton
2nd Place Horror Short Film
directed by Lluís Quílez
Best Cinematography
Penny Dreadful (the feature)
directed by Richard Brandes
Best Special Effects
Itsy Bitsy
directed by David May
Best Makeup Effects
Night of the Leben Tod
directed by Eric Forsberg
Best Acting Performance
Amy Beth Sherman
in Desperation
Audience Choice Award
Bad Reputation
directed by Jimmy Hemphill
Best Under 18 Film
directed by Dustin Murphy
Best Feature Screenplay
The Next Plane
written by Christopher Moro
2nd Place Feature Screenplay
written by Carl Melchior
3rd Place Feature Screenplay
I, Detective
written by Dean Alioto
Best Short Screenplay
Adrian of Death
written by Terence Brody
2nd Place Short Screenplay
The Last Request
written by Joe Randazzo